meeco team agrees on targets and strategies during meeting in Alicante

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meeco to provide clean energy to the Caribbean, Africa, Sri Lanka and other markets

Internationality, technical know how and business expertise have recently gathered at one place: the Spanish coastal town Alicante, where several members of The meeco Group team – arriving from India, Switzerland, Antigua, Germany, Italy, Greece and many other counties had come together to exchange ideas on future plans, business strategies as well as country management but also to share some quality time together.

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How meeco designs and develops its solar energy storage solutions


Interview with the Director of meeco Services Italia S.r.l., Claudio Alberti

Solar energy is a clean and reliable power source. But unfortunately the sun does not shine 24 hours a day and therefore access to sunlight is limited in the morning and in the evening and of course at night. In order to offset this drawback, The meeco Group – a Swiss-based clean energy provider – deployed its solar energy management solution sun2safe, a system pairing solar power with solar storage technology, guaranteeing the stability of the electricity supply and thus solving the issue coming from intermittent sunshine.

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Solar power to enter the Zimbabwean market


The meeco Group first provider of clean energy to install MWp sized PV plants in Zimbabwe

For years now, Zimbabwe has been enduring daily power outages that make life of its inhabitants harder. These power cuts are due to the production of power in Zimbabwe being lower than required by the national demand. Figures show that whereas Zimbabwe would need a daily power generation of 1,730 MWp to be fully operational, the country only produces 1,200 MWp per day, leading inevitably to shortages and long lasting-blackouts.

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How The meeco Group manages logistic challenges of solar projects


Missions of the Head of procurement & logistics

Since 2007, Ms. Victoria Lazaro has been working for The meeco Group, being an employee of the meeco subsidiary, meeco Services S.L. based in Alicante, Spain. Thanks to her competences, expertise and experiences in Project Management and in Renewables Energies, she represents an essential element of The meeco team.

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New alliance to support development of clean energy in Zimbabwe


The meeco Group and William Bain Holdings to stimulate local market sun2flow solar-based water pumping systems

With approximately 300 days of sun per year, wind and several sources of hydropower, Zimbabwe is a country with significant quantities of clean energy resources. Nevertheless Zimbabwe still faces a substantial power deficit – a serious problem that adversely affects all facets of its economy. A new partnership between oursun Energy (Private) Ltd., part of the Swiss-based clean energy provider The meeco Group, and William Bain Holdings, Zimbabwe’s leading manufacturer of agricultural equipment, will push the development in this area.

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The meeco Group begins development of a 10MW ground mounted installation in Zimbabwe


Engages local industrial leaders Powerspeed Electrical & William Bain Holdings. Partners with Mosspatch Investments Zimbabwe

The meeco Group, a worldwide clean energy provider, is currently expanding its turnkey services and solutions to the Zimbabwean solar market. Involved in the country since early 2013, several important partnerships have been created and various solar projects are currently under development.

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New partnership between ZINWA and The meeco Group


sun2water & sun2flow solutions for water treatment in Zimbabwe

In July 2014, a new agreement was signed between OurSun Energy (Private) Ltd, The Zimbabwean subsidiary company of The meeco Group and ZINWA, the Zimbabwe National Water Authority. This MOU will result in the establishment of a Public Private Partnership joint venture company OurSun ZINWA with a view to focus on solar-based water treatment developed by The meeco Group through its sun2water solutions.

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BDO Zimbabwe and meeco: new partnership for mutual benefits



The meeco Group starts cooperation with BDO Zimbabwe – a member firm of BDO International, one of the largest accountancy networks

On the 17th of July, a memorandum of understanding was signed between oursun Energy (Private) Ltd. and BDO Tax & Advisory Services, Zimbabwe, binding accordingly and respectively as partners the two parent companies: The meeco Group and BDO Zimbabwe. In the context of this collaboration, BDO Zimbabwe will help oursun Energy Ltd. to develop its activity in Zimbabwe by offering Clear Advisory and Asset Management Services of The meeco Group in partnership with the Zimbabwean unit of it, oursun Energy.

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New Joint Venture oursun Energy (Private) Limited founded in Zimbabwe

Joint venture oursun Energy (Private) Limited
Oxygen Group and The meeco Group to develop solar energy in Zimbabwe

Zug/Harare. In December 2013 Zimbabwean company Oxygen Africa (Private) Limited and the Swiss company meeco Invest AG have founded the jointly held Zimbabwean renewable energy company: oursun Energy (Private) Limited. Mr. Honour P Mkushi, Andrew G Connolly & Mr Simbarashe Mhuriro, Executive Directors of Oxygen Africa Zimbabwe, and future Executive Directors of oursun Energy (Private) Limited will be the local key persons developing new business for the Joint Venture company. This follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two companies in May 2013 with the aim of promoting and developing the sun2live solar energy solutions of The meeco Group in Zimbabwe.

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The meeco Group signs MoU with Oxygen Group in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe blog

Swiss group wants to expand its business in Zimbabwe (Southern Africa)

Zug/Harare. The meeco Group has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Zimbabwean Venture Partnership and Business Advisory Firm Oxygen Group, which aims to promote and develop the solar energy solutions of The meeco Group in Zimbabwe. The MoU has been signed in Dubai on 30th May by representatives of both parties and is already effective.

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