How meeco designs and develops its solar energy storage solutions


Interview with the Director of meeco Services Italia S.r.l., Claudio Alberti

Solar energy is a clean and reliable power source. But unfortunately the sun does not shine 24 hours a day and therefore access to sunlight is limited in the morning and in the evening and of course at night. In order to offset this drawback, The meeco Group – a Swiss-based clean energy provider – deployed its solar energy management solution sun2safe, a system pairing solar power with solar storage technology, guaranteeing the stability of the electricity supply and thus solving the issue coming from intermittent sunshine.

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Solar energy as a reliable source for improving education


Leading Pakistani university, LUMS uses sun2live rooftop installation to power its campus

Given the severity of the energy shortage in Pakistan, crippling the development of the country, the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) decided to forgo its fuel cost for its gas/diesel gensets and move to long-term sustainability by making use of solar power. In early 2013, LUMS started considering a long-term, sustainable strategy to tackle the electricity crisis and therefore called upon The meeco Group to work together for the development of electricity generation capacity and the implementation of renewable energy solutions. Within that year a first 51 kwp sun2roof installation was executed as proof of concept.

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How meeco supports education worldwide


More than half of primary school students in the developing world – nearly 300 million children – go to schools without access to electricity, as revealed by the latest Poor People’s Energy Outlook report. Emerging countries are currently facing burgeoning energy demand challenges, which are therefore putting a brake on their economic growth and plunging population into darkness.

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Indian school to achieve energy independence


meeco supports education with solar energy storage solutions


For years, the Shiv Public School in Gurgaon has been severely affected by the electricity crisis, attributed to absence of reliable grid power in the semi-urban and rural parts of the country. Willing to circumvent the area’s erratic and unreliable power supply, the Indian school, which was up to now completely running on diesel generated power, decided to switch to Solar Energy as per a presentation of the economic benefits by the Swiss-based clean energy provider The meeco Group, who is an empaneled Channel Partner of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy in India.

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