
New partnership between ZINWA and The meeco Group



September 10, 2014


11:53 am


sun2water & sun2flow solutions for water treatment in Zimbabwe

In July 2014, a new agreement was signed between OurSun Energy (Private) Ltd, The Zimbabwean subsidiary company of The meeco Group and ZINWA, the Zimbabwe National Water Authority. This MOU will result in the establishment of a Public Private Partnership joint venture company OurSun ZINWA with a view to focus on solar-based water treatment developed by The meeco Group through its sun2water solutions.

The Zimbabwe National Water Authority, is an entity wholly owned by the Government of Zimbabwe and is mandated to manage all the water resources of the country. This Authority was formed through the ZINWA Act [CAP20:25] in reaction to the Government’s determination to reform the national water sector. Under the motto “water is life, every drop counts”, ZINWA works everyday to make water resources even more accessible to the population on a sustainable basis.

Initially, OurSun ZINWA will provide solar power to existing water treatment facilities and will then be in charge of implementing the design, construction and operation of the water treatment plants. The PPP joint venture company intends as well to deploy sun2flow solutions for the farming community in Zimbabwe. Through sun2flow installations, oursun will deliver a connection of high-end solar modules with water pumping and irrigation solutions, which ideally suit remote off-grid areas. sun2water devices, a state-of-the art energy production and storage solution, will also be implemented to purify and desalinate water sources via solar power generation.


quote“We are glad to get involved with ZINWA, our new business partner, who shares also our daily mission towards sustainable energy, reliable tier one quality water supplies and overall our corporate social responsibility based on environmental and social matters.

Simba Mhuriro, in charge at OurSun Energy (Private) Ltd


Envisioned further cooperation will include grid connected solar projects together with the introduction of hybrid, hydro and solar power stations on Zimbabwean dams and rivers.


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