Solar energy and storage systems to be introduced in Antigua and Barbuda

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Clean energy provider PV Energy installs several solar solutions across Caribbean twin islands

The inauguration of the 3 MWp sun2live solar power plant at the V.C. Bird International Airport of Antigua represented the conclusion of the first major step of a successful shift from a diesel to a solar-based energy supply in the Caribbean. With the installation of further sun2live and sun2roof solar power generating and storage solutions across Antigua and Barbuda this process is continuing now.

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meeco team agrees on targets and strategies during meeting in Alicante

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meeco to provide clean energy to the Caribbean, Africa, Sri Lanka and other markets

Internationality, technical know how and business expertise have recently gathered at one place: the Spanish coastal town Alicante, where several members of The meeco Group team – arriving from India, Switzerland, Antigua, Germany, Italy, Greece and many other counties had come together to exchange ideas on future plans, business strategies as well as country management but also to share some quality time together.

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Antigua and Barbuda pioneering in clean energy in the Caribbean

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Government of twin island state has officially inaugurated 3 MWp solar power plant at V.C. Bird International Airport Antigua

Antigua and Barbuda’s electricity sector has just got much closer to becoming the greenest in the whole of the Caribbean. The national target to generate 20 per cent of the required electricity from solar energy is almost tangible. Yesterday, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda together with the UK-based clean energy provider PV Energy Limited and The meeco Group has officially inaugurated the 3 MWp solar power plant at the V.C.Bird International Airport of Antigua.

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PV Energy Ltd. joins the Antiguan’s and Barbudan’s in raising awareness towards solar power in the island

The clean energy provider attended the CARICOM Energy Awareness Week

Given the 30% rise in energy demand in only one decade – caused by increasing industrialisation and regional development in the Caribbean – the Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) is looking to augment the fossil fuel based energy supply by renewable energy in order to bridge the power gaps and reduce the twin-island’s reliance on crude oil.

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Successful completion of 3 MWp solar power plant in Antigua


PV Energy finalized clean energy installation at V.C. Bird International Airport

The Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB), together with the UK-based clean energy provider PV Energy Ltd., has lately turned a new page in Caribbean history through the completed installation of a solar energy generation and storage sun2live solution as a partial substitute for fossil fuels in Antiguan electric power generation.

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Overview of the Clean Energy Study Tour across Europe


PV Energy Ltd. looks back on one-week training program organised for Caribbean partners

The 3 MWp installation on the southwest shoulder of the V.C. Bird International Airport of Antigua, which is the first PV installation of a total capacity of 10 MWp in sun2live and sun2roof solar projects across the twin-island is currently close to commissioning. With this happening PV Energy who advance funded and executed this project, continues to support its Caribbean partners to make the best use of the opportunities offered by the newest renewable energy technologies, by introducing a training program tour across Europe.

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New approach to supply airports with clean energy


PV Energy to set up customised solar solutions at airports as green investments

Air traveling and accordingly airports and planes are part of our current understanding of a connected and globalised world. Unfortunately, the amount of pollution caused by airplanes and the quantity of fossil fuels used for the airport facilities themselves does not really fit to the image of a green and clean tomorrow. In fact, airport terminals are undeniably energy-intensive consumers, as they need to keep their operations maintained on a 24-hour basis.

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Clean Energy Study Tour across Europe for Caribbean engineers


PV Energy continues training sessions to enhance local engineering capacity

Willing to take a shift towards more sustainable patterns of energy consumption, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) recently made use of PV Energy’s clean power expertise for the construction of a 10 MWp solar energy project cluster including a first 3 MWp installation at the V.C. Bird International Airport on Antigua.

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Solar energy training for Antigua & Barbuda


PV Energy transmits its know-how to strengthen expertise of local partners

The development of a sustainable and clean energy supply on the Caribbean Islands is making great progresses. Particularly the Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) stands out with the completion of the first phase of 3 MWp sun2live solar PV on the grounds of the V.C. Bird International Airport in early October of a total of 10 MWp, which will be finalized in the upcoming 6 months.

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PV Energy to provide Antigua & Barbuda with clean solar power


First 3 MWp to be installed at the new V.C. Bird International Airport

The Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) and PV Energy Limited are taking a major step towards environmental sustainability to create affordable and sustainable clean energy solutions across the islands of Antigua and Barbuda.

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