How solar plants and animals match together


meeco to set PV plants in harmony with surroundings

Sustainable development has been established since long as a priority goal of governments, businesses but also of private investors. As a recently published report of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) emphasises, solar energy will continue to contribute to this goal: From todays 2 % share of global electricity generated by solar systems, it is supposed to increase to 13 % by 2030.

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Solar energy and storage systems to be introduced in Antigua and Barbuda

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Clean energy provider PV Energy installs several solar solutions across Caribbean twin islands

The inauguration of the 3 MWp sun2live solar power plant at the V.C. Bird International Airport of Antigua represented the conclusion of the first major step of a successful shift from a diesel to a solar-based energy supply in the Caribbean. With the installation of further sun2live and sun2roof solar power generating and storage solutions across Antigua and Barbuda this process is continuing now.

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How The meeco Group provides Paraguayan off-grid areas with clean energy


Interview with the Director of meeco America latina S.A., Dr. Oliver Jann

With its huge rural areas missing any connection to the national power grid, the demand of off-grid solar projects in Paraguay is growing. To supply those remote territories with drinking water, The meeco Group, a Swiss-based clean energy provider, developed special solar water pumping solutions, the sun2flow system. These systems are working without any connection to the grid, just by utilizing the natural power of the sun.

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Emerging countries moving towards a clean energy concern


meeco to accompany emerging countries in clean and green development

Only a few years ago, clean and renewable energy installations were seen as expensive and unaffordable. It has then become customary to think that only western and industrialised/developed countries could afford such costly projects.

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Sustainability as a commitment for The meeco Group


A Corporate Social Responsability company

As one of the world’s leading clean energy company, The meeco Group has at its disposal a wide range of competences, including local expertise and best technologies. The meeco Group as an enterprise, values Corporate Social Responsibility, knows and fulfils its obligations towards the community and the environment in which it operates in many different ways.

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Elcomponics Technologies & The meeco Group agree to form a Joint Venture for manufacturing of sun2safe in India


Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. Elcomponics Technologies India Private Limited and meeco India Private Limited, the Indian subsidiary of the meeco Group, have decided to join hands for customization, manufacturing and marketing of sun2safe, meeco’s High Efficiency Solar Energy Power Conditioning and Management System. The sun2safe technology has delivered a strong performance in the Telecom and Off or Weak Grid Power needs.

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New Joint Venture oursun Energy (Private) Limited founded in Zimbabwe

Joint venture oursun Energy (Private) Limited
Oxygen Group and The meeco Group to develop solar energy in Zimbabwe

Zug/Harare. In December 2013 Zimbabwean company Oxygen Africa (Private) Limited and the Swiss company meeco Invest AG have founded the jointly held Zimbabwean renewable energy company: oursun Energy (Private) Limited. Mr. Honour P Mkushi, Andrew G Connolly & Mr Simbarashe Mhuriro, Executive Directors of Oxygen Africa Zimbabwe, and future Executive Directors of oursun Energy (Private) Limited will be the local key persons developing new business for the Joint Venture company. This follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two companies in May 2013 with the aim of promoting and developing the sun2live solar energy solutions of The meeco Group in Zimbabwe.

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Spanish Golden Visa to promote investment in Spain

Spanish Golden Visa

The meeco Group provides assistance for investments through its Spanish office

Zug/Alicante. On September 27th 2013, the Spanish Parliament has passed a new law enabling non-EU citizens investing in Spain to be granted Spanish residency and free movement within all 26 countries of the Schengen Area. The Swiss-based meeco Group, as part of its asset management services, offers investors worldwide but with a special focus on the Middle East, Asia, South America and Africa to assist them in their investment in order to obtain the freedom of unlimited travel throughout the Schengen Area.

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New joint venture OurSun Solar Power Ltd. founded in Pakistan

Zug/Lahore. meeco services Pakistan, together with strong industry partners officially created OurSun Solar Power Ltd. as a new company for promoting solar power in Pakistan. The company was founded in Lahore by Nadeem Babar, founder and managing partner of Orient Power, Adnan Asdar, founder and managing partner shareholder of Multinet as well as Amer Ashfaq and Saad Zafar Directors and Co-Shareholders of The meeco Group subsidiary in Pakistan meeco Services Pakistan. The company business plan is to provide Business to Business (B2B) solutions to customers in Pakistan.

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After Zimbabwe, meeco expands solar market presence to Malawi


Public-listed Press Corporation Limited and The meeco Group create joint venture company Press Solar Limited

Zug/Blantyre. On August 7th 2013, the Malawi public-listed company Press Corporation Limited (Press Corp.) and the Swiss company meeco Invest AG have officially created a jointly held company: Press Solar Limited. The joint venture’s strategic objective is to implement solar energy and storage solutions in the region, providing electricity to both SME’s and large businesses. Several hundreds of kilowatts are already planned for 2013 including several energy shave off solutions and also solar water pumping in remote locations. Press Solar expects to install a total of 4 MW until the end of 2014 mainly in shave off projects.

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