Caribbean island state plans to expand its renewable energy strategy to comply with the COP21 Paris Climate Agreement by reducing its CO2 emissions
The Caribbean island state Trinidad and Tobago pursues the domestic target of generating 10 per cent of its electricity using renewable energy resources by 2021. In spite of the excellent preconditions for renewables, namely a very good radiation of up to 1.710 kWh/m2/year and strong north-east trade winds, clean energy solutions are still relatively rare on the island. To promote the sustainable development of the Caribbean state the University of Trinidad and Tobago in collaboration with the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago presents the conference “Renewable Energy: Road Map 2021 – Where are we and are we on track?” On the June 28th from 8:30 AM to 11:30 PM five renowned renewable experts will discuss the chances of a clean energy supply for Trinidad and Tobago. The conference will be held at the UTT Energy Campus in Point Lisas.