NieĂźlbeck Butcher’s Green Revolution with sun2roof® PV System

sun2roof® system

When the sun shines, it’s cool. NieĂźlbeck butcher introduces sun2roof® system, a cutting-edge green solution to generate solar energy for operating their cooling system and significantly reduce electricity costs. Revolutionizing Energy with sun2roof® system In the picturesque town of Berg b. Neumarkt, Germany, NieĂźlbeck butcher takes a bold step towards sustainability. Every beam of sunlight now … Read more

Renewable Energy Solutions: Brauerei Stauder’s Solar Success

Renewable Energy Solutions

Although the Jacob Stauder Brauerei in Essen had repeatedly thought about using its roofs to generate solar energy and cover part of its energy consumption, the idea remained just an idea for a long time. What was decisive and what made sure that this idea did not just remain as such, it was the meeting … Read more

Solar Energy in Antigua: The meeco Group Sustainable Journey

Solar Energy in Antigua

In a recent interview, Mr. DT, the representative of PV Energy, subsidiary of The meeco Group, shed light on the company’s remarkable journey and the promising future of solar energy in Antigua. With an extensive track record in renewable energy spanning 25 years and operations across the globe, PV Energy is poised to revolutionize the … Read more

The largest sun2roof® built in less than 54 working days

Despite the extremely tight deadlines to be respected, the bad weather and the very specific requirements of the customer, the meeco Group successfully installed a 2MW sun2roof® system, the largest one in Slovakia to date. All started with a roof leakage testing from an already existing PV system which led The meeco Group to not only … Read more

10,000 visits a remarkable milestone!

Our website has hit 10,000 visits in 6 months. A success worth celebrating. The meeco Group is proud to celebrate the achieving of such an amazing success of website in about 6 months. 10,000 visits are a clear sign that the company’s lively entrepreneurship and constant pursuit of excellence have brought to excellent … Read more

meeco, an ever-growing Team

Always on the move and expanding, The meeco Group team recently welcomed a new member to its German branch. In November, Mrs. Ramona Barila joined the Group as a new member of the meeco Industrial Services GmbH team.  Main tasks will be: sales support, Customer Services, marketing and reporting to the Management. Achieving goals and increasing … Read more

meeco presents new innovative and flexible renewable energy mounting system

Solar PV rope solution sun2rope to be launched in African Safari camps

The Swiss-headquartered renewable energy generation and energy storage company The meeco Group has just launched its latest solar PV mounting solution. The sun2rope system offers a totally flexible and innovative way to build a solar energy system without the application of obstructing substructures harming the environment. By mounting the solar modules on special high-quality ropes, which are attached to walls or pillars, a totally customised clean energy supply can be established nearly any-where. meeco is currently executing the first sun2rope projects in Kenya for commercial clients.

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meeco promotes energy revolution in Africa


Clean energy projects promote Sustainable Development Goals

A reliable or seemingly stable and reliable energy supply seems self-evident for four-fifths of the world’s population. However, there are still numerous countries, where unlimited access to energy remains a luxury for wealthy people. In volume terms, more than 1.4 billion people worldwide live without any electricity supply, states the International Energy Agency.

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Safari lodge in Kenya to benefit from clean solar energy and storage

meeco brings sun2rope and sun2safe solar energy systems to a 1920’s Safari Camp

The establishment of a reliable electricity supply represents an enormous challenge for off-grid tourist destinations in Africa such as remote Safari lodges. Located in the Olderkesi Wildlife Conservancy in Masai Mara, Kenya, a famous 1920’s Safari camp is currently nearly exclusively powered by energy produced from diesel gensets due to a missing connection to the electrical grid. In order to reduce the dependence on these cost-extensive and polluting energy sources, meeco will install a 50 kWp sun2rope mounted solar energy solution in combination with a sun2safe energy management system at the isolated and exclusive Safari lodge.

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meeco to equip renowned Belizean company with sun2roof solar system


333 kWp rooftop clean energy solution will be installed on Belize Brewing Co.

Belize, located on the eastern coast of Central America next to Mexico and Guatemala, relies mainly on imported energy to maintain its national electricity grid. Such import represents a heavy financial and ecological burden for the country and its economy. oursun Belize Limited, a joint venture company between the well-established and renowned company Bowen & Bowen Limited and The meeco Group is currently in the process of executing a joint sun2roof solar energy project in Belize in order to make a contribution to fostering the use of cost-effective and eco-friendly renewable energies and benefiting from the huge potential of solar energy in the country.

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