Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. Elcomponics Technologies India Private Limited and meeco India Private Limited, the Indian subsidiary of the meeco Group, have decided to join hands for customization, manufacturing and marketing of sun2safe, meeco’s High Efficiency Solar Energy Power Conditioning and Management System. The sun2safe technology has delivered a strong performance in the Telecom and Off or Weak Grid Power needs.
The meeco Group discusses future business, solutions and products
Executive Board meeting with Core Technical and Projects Team in meeco office Alicante, Spain
The Executive Board of The meeco Group and its Core Technical and Projects Team gathered this week in the group’s Spanish office in Alicante to discuss its future business strategies and processes as well as to review the current status of projects and products of the group.
meeco AG partners with Smart Hydro Power GmbH in India
Swiss group obtains Indian market exclusivity to distribute German kinetic technology
ZUG/FELDAFING. The meeco Group has recently signed an exclusivity agreement with German kinetic hydropower systems expert Smart Hydro Power GmbH (SHP) to promote and develop Smart Hydro technology-based projects in India. A first demonstration project has been successfully executed and is in operation in the region of Punjab in association with the Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA), as communicated last May 2 by The meeco Group.
Water Turbine Demonstration project in Punjab’s Sirhind Canal
Swiss meeco group installs hydropower for Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA).
ZUG/GURGAON. The Indian subsidiary of The meeco Group, meeco India Pvt Ltd, was invited by the Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) to show a new kinetic micro hydropower energy technology in the state of Punjab by setting up a of 5 Kilowatt demonstration project in one of the regions’ canals.
Soma Plant in Punjab, India – Synchronized with the Electricity Grid
Soma Enterprise Limited successfully synchronized its 1 MW Photovoltaic Project with the Electricity Grid in Punjab on December 3rd 2011. The Plant has been constructed on an turnkey EPC basis by SOMA PVE JV, a Joint Venture of Soma Enterprise and PV Energy Private Limited, a company of The meeco Group. The plant is … Read more
meeco Punjal project progress on-schedule, grid connection expected in October
The construction of The meeco Group’s first Indian solar photovoltaic installation is progressing well and according to plan. The 1 MW solar photovoltaic installation is situated in Khera Kalmout, a village in the Northwest of the country, more specifically in the District of Nangal, part of the Indian Punjal province. This PV project was commissioned … Read more
pv magazine and Alternative Energy eMagazine about The meeco Group
The reputable online magazines “Alternative Energy eMagazine” (USA) and “pv magazine” (Germany) have published articles and an interview about The meeco Group. Please find the respective links below. Alternative Energy eMagazine – “Turning clean energy ideas into reality” pv magazine – “meeco group outlines PV expansion plans”
meeco arranges Joint Venture of Soma and PV Energy in India – Joint Venture will provide turnkey EPC and Clean Energy Services
The meeco Group has made a significant leap in its India business by arranging a joint venture between PV Energy Private Limited (Indian subsidiary of PV Energy Limited, UK) and Soma Enterprise Limited, a leading infrastructure company in India. The joint venture will provide turnkey EPCÂ and Operations and Management services. meeco will lend its know-how … Read more
The meeco Group enters the growing Indian solar market
meeco will build up to 50 MWp solar parks in the next three years In July 2009, India unveiled a US$19 billion plan, to produce 20 GW of solar power by 2020, because solar energy has revolutionary power to elevate India and its population in a way that no technology has done before. Now, with … Read more
PV Energy visited business partners in China and India
The representatives of B & S Property and The meeco Group have returned from a very successful trip to China and India, where the joint company, PV Energy has agreed three deals to advise, design and participate in equity in ground mounted solar projects. Power Purchase Agreements have been signed and EPC contractors have been … Read more