Brazilian farmer purchases two sun2flow water-pumping units | Brasilianischer Bauer erwirbt zwei sun2flow-Wasserpumpen

New solar water pumping system by meeco América Latina in Chaco, Paraguay

meeco América Latina S.A., the Asunción-based subsidiary of The meeco Group, has received the down-payment earlier this month for a new sun2flow project in the Chaco region, northern Paraguay. Situated in a particularly remote area 350 km away from the first paved road, the installation site is completely off the grid.

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Remote Indian village gets access to drinking water

meeco América Latina installs solar water pumping system in Mistolar, Paraguay

Situated on the Pilcomayo River near the Argentinean border and 300 km away from the nearest paved road, the Indian community of Mistolar (Paraguay) is located in a very remote area with no access to the power grid.

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