Maximizing Value with meeco sun2roof® Solutions

meeco sun2roof® solutions

The Power of sun2roof® Solar Installations for Industrial Buildings Factories, warehouses, and industrial buildings often have significant roof space. Their high energy consumption makes them ideal locations for sun2roof® solar panel installations. Over the past few years, more and more businesses have realized the potential to harness free renewable energy. This is achieved simply by … Read more

NieĂźlbeck Butcher’s Green Revolution with sun2roof® PV System

sun2roof® system

When the sun shines, it’s cool. NieĂźlbeck butcher introduces sun2roof® system, a cutting-edge green solution to generate solar energy for operating their cooling system and significantly reduce electricity costs. Revolutionizing Energy with sun2roof® system In the picturesque town of Berg b. Neumarkt, Germany, NieĂźlbeck butcher takes a bold step towards sustainability. Every beam of sunlight now … Read more

Renewable Energy Solutions: Brauerei Stauder’s Solar Success

Renewable Energy Solutions

Although the Jacob Stauder Brauerei in Essen had repeatedly thought about using its roofs to generate solar energy and cover part of its energy consumption, the idea remained just an idea for a long time. What was decisive and what made sure that this idea did not just remain as such, it was the meeting … Read more

The largest sun2roof® built in less than 54 working days

Despite the extremely tight deadlines to be respected, the bad weather and the very specific requirements of the customer, the meeco Group successfully installed a 2MW sun2roof® system, the largest one in Slovakia to date. All started with a roof leakage testing from an already existing PV system which led The meeco Group to not only … Read more

Spain´s second renewable energy boom


“Spain is one of the countries leading the solar renaissance in Europe,” stated the SolarPower Europe Policy Analyst Raffaele Rossi. In October 2018, the Spanish government officially cancelled the infamous “sun tax”, which hindered and discouraged the development of solar energy in Spain. It is therefore no wonder, that in 2018, 235 MW were added to the national grid. Compared to 2017, the installed capacity increased by 94%.

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Energy Systems and meeco complete 4 solar rooftop projects in Saudi Arabia

sun2roof solar rooftop projects with a total capacity of 146.6 kWp commissioned

The Saudi Arabian renewable energy company Energy Systems and The meeco Group part-nered in 2018 in order to support the country’s clean energy approach and equip private as well as commercial customers with sustainable energy solutions. Taking into account the excel-lent preconditions for renewable energy systems in the country, the declining prices for PV technologies and the growing interest of Saudi Arabia’s government to shift from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources, the exploitation of solar energy represents a promising oppor-tunity for private as well as commercial consumers. Within the scope of the founded joint venture company oursun Saudi Arabia, the first four sun2roof solar projects with a total capac-ity of 146.6 kWp have now been completed and ensure an annual clean energy generation of about 250 MWh.

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New milestone: meeco simultaneously energised two large-scale solar installations on two continents

Swiss energy provider put pv systems with total size of 4.44 mwp into operation

Two entirely different areas, one solar provider: Bethesda on the Caribbean island Antigua and a textile company in Leutkirch located in the South of Germany as of now benefit from clean solar power. Shortly before the end of 2018, the Swiss-based clean energy provider The meeco Group successfully managed the same-day commissioning of a ground-mounted 4 MWp sun2live solar utility and a roof-mounted sun2roof solar power plant with a total size of 440 kWp. While the Caribbean commissioning team worked at moist conditions with up to 30 degrees and 70 per cent humidity, the German commissioning staff had to deal with heavy snow and icy flat roofs.

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Jumby Bay island to benefit from additional clean energy supply

  The sun2roof solar system on Jumby Bay.

PV Energy equips Antiguan island with autonomous sun2live micro grid

The small private island Jumby Bay, located in the north of Antigua, will soon reach almost complete autarky in terms of power supply. After the installation of eleven sun2live and sun2roof solar installations with a total capacity of 404 kWp last year, the clean energy provider PV Energy now expands this solar energy project and is about to implement a sun2safe xl managed micro grid. Upon completion of this installation, the whole area will nearly exclusively be supplied with reliable and carbon-free quality energy, which makes the island a model example for sustainability.

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Marriott Hotel Guyana to be equipped by meeco with sun2live/sun2roof solar energy & sun2safe XL storage system

Hotel in Georgetown to shave off energy costs and to avoid 900 tons of CO2 emissions

The Marriott Hotel Guyana in Georgetown will soon benefit from an eco-friendly, sustainable and cost-efficient energy supply. We have concluded an agreement on a solar power installation with the leading five-star hotel in Guyana to reduce its dependence on expensive diesel and shave off its energy costs accordingly.

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meeco to equip renowned Belizean company with sun2roof solar system


333 kWp rooftop clean energy solution will be installed on Belize Brewing Co.

Belize, located on the eastern coast of Central America next to Mexico and Guatemala, relies mainly on imported energy to maintain its national electricity grid. Such import represents a heavy financial and ecological burden for the country and its economy. oursun Belize Limited, a joint venture company between the well-established and renowned company Bowen & Bowen Limited and The meeco Group is currently in the process of executing a joint sun2roof solar energy project in Belize in order to make a contribution to fostering the use of cost-effective and eco-friendly renewable energies and benefiting from the huge potential of solar energy in the country.

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