Visit meeco at Intersolar Europe 2011
From June 8 through 10, the 2011 Intersolar Europe edition celebrates its 20th anniversary and The meeco Group is proud to be part of this historical event. As in previous years, The meeco Group has partnered with GILDEMEISTER energy solutions to showcase the best solar, wind and energy generation and storage technologies in the market … Read more
Filipe Webermann contributes to MEDIENKONTOR team expansion in Dresden, Germany
Filipe Webermann has recently moved from the meeco USA office in Irvine, California, to MEDIENKONTOR Dresden GmbH (Dresden, Germany) in order to be able to better support the growing business of The meeco Group and its Dresden Office. Filipe started his career with The meeco Group at the SunCarrier Services office in Alicante, Spain, before … Read more
pv magazine and Alternative Energy eMagazine about The meeco Group
The reputable online magazines “Alternative Energy eMagazine” (USA) and “pv magazine” (Germany) have published articles and an interview about The meeco Group. Please find the respective links below. Alternative Energy eMagazine – “Turning clean energy ideas into reality” pv magazine – “meeco group outlines PV expansion plans”
meeco arranges Joint Venture of Soma and PV Energy in India – Joint Venture will provide turnkey EPC and Clean Energy Services
The meeco Group has made a significant leap in its India business by arranging a joint venture between PV Energy Private Limited (Indian subsidiary of PV Energy Limited, UK) and Soma Enterprise Limited, a leading infrastructure company in India. The joint venture will provide turnkey EPCÂ and Operations and Management services. meeco will lend its know-how … Read more
The meeco Group supports Air Navigation Race ANR in Alicante, Spain
SunCarrier Services Spain and The meeco Group were sponsors of the „Air Navigation Race“ (ANR) on Saturday, 19th of February 2011 in Alicante, Spain. The ANR competition is the first navigation race for ultralight aircrafts in Spain. The first circuit for the Spanish Championship ANR was won by the World Champion Mr. Pedro Nogueroles and … Read more
The meeco Group builds first off-grid solution in South America – 6,000 kWh of solar electricity will reduce cost to power cattle ranch in Paraguay
It is often difficult for companies and ranches in remote areas to satisfy their energy demand through self-supply. Expensive fossil fuels, maintenance costs and noxious exhaust fumes are part of the normal course of life. Unfortunately, the world’s developing countries are affected the most. In response, The meeco Group has begun to work on its … Read more
meeco AG has signed agreement to expand its activities in Guinean market
If rural conditions are hard to explore for grid-dependent industries or communities, they have to use independent energy sources. Most of these sources are expensive and detrimental to the environment, because they use environmentally damaging fuel and quite often need servicing. The meeco Group is able to offer a different solution, especially for such countries … Read more
The meeco Group enters the growing Indian solar market
meeco will build up to 50 MWp solar parks in the next three years In July 2009, India unveiled a US$19 billion plan, to produce 20 GW of solar power by 2020, because solar energy has revolutionary power to elevate India and its population in a way that no technology has done before. Now, with … Read more
Transfer of Italian solar parks by The meeco Group to German fund
The development and construction of several photovoltaic parks by a+f GmbH in the Italian region of Puglia has been completed with the transfer of the property of the project companies from The meeco Group to the new owner, the „Hamburgische Energiehandlung“. The solar parks are equiped with the state of the art tracking system „SunCarrier“ … Read more
Minister for Economic Affairs greets double World Champion MĂśNCH – MĂśNCH Racing Team and The meeco Group invited as guests in Ministry for Economics and Technology in Berlin
On Monday, November 29th 2010 the minister for Economic Affairs and Technology, Rainer BrĂĽderle, welcomed the MĂśNCH Racing Team to his office in Berlin. The team was honoured for their remarkable and outstanding achievements in the field of electric driven motor-bike racing. Having developed their own racing machine, the MĂśNCH TTE-1.2, the team behind driver … Read more