ExpoAlemania2011 – The energetic revolution is near

From 7th to 9th of April, the German-Paraguayen industrial fair “ExpoAlemania 2011 – energy, technology and sustainability” took place in AsunciĂłn, the capital of Paraguay. It was conjointly organized by the “Camara Paraguayo-Alemana“ (Paraguayan-German chamber), the German chamber of foreign trade and the German embassy. The main topic dealt with the discussion about how to … Read more

The meeco Group builds first off-grid solution in South America – 6,000 kWh of solar electricity will reduce cost to power cattle ranch in Paraguay

It is often difficult for companies and ranches in remote areas to satisfy their energy demand through self-supply. Expensive fossil fuels, maintenance costs and noxious exhaust fumes are part of the normal course of life. Unfortunately, the world’s developing countries are affected the most. In response, The meeco Group has begun to work on its … Read more