Small island states shift to clean energy

Renewable energies to ensure reliable power supply on islands

One fifth of the countries worldwide are small island developing states. In terms of the effects of climate change, these regions belong to the most vulnerable worldwide. Sea level rise and increasing extreme weather events such as tropical storms represent real dangers for the existence of small islands. Therefore a transition to renewable energies, away from expensive and polluting fossil fuels, is urgently needed. Thanks to the abundant availability of unlimited clean energy sources such as wind or sun this shift is possible, realistic and commercially viable.

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PV Energy: Almost 50 % of the agreed rooftop installations on government buildings completed

sun2roof solar installations on public rooftops to foster Antigua’s green energy future

Halftime for Antigua and Barbuda’s solar rooftop projects: Nearly 50 % of the agreed 2 MWp solar rooftop systems are installed. The 2 MWp sun2roof are part of a 10 MWp clean energy cluster conducted and realised by the government of the Caribbean twin-island state and the UK-based renewable energy provider PV Energy Limited. The equipment of government-owned buildings such as schools thereby represents a fundamental part of reducing the twin-island’s dependency on fossil fuels and spurring the development of a green economy.

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Clean energy: Affordable for everyone

Prices for renewables to further drop until 2040

Climate reports prove: Fostering a clean energy development and promoting the growth of renewable energy sources are necessary steps in order to fight climate change and its effects on our environment whilst at the same time allowing for economic development. Governments and citizens worldwide are aware of this task, and the expansion of alternative energy solutions is taking place.

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Autonomous power supply through off-grid solar systems

meeco provides innovative PV energy solutions for remote areas

Even today, many regions around the globe lack infrastructures that are adequately developed to supply the population with affordable and reliable electricity. In a world with unsteady and unpredictable fuel and transportation costs, the usage of diesel generators is not a reliable and cost-effective solution anymore. Relying primarily on diesel for remote power generation is not only remarkably costly – considering the high operational cost of diesel/oil consuming generators – but also very risky, as fuel prices are endlessly unpredictable, volatile and undeniably rising over time.

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Antigua’s sun2live solar power plant recaptured by animal cohabitants


29 sheep returned to sun2live airport facility in Antigua

The 3 MWp sun2live solar power plant at the V.C. Bird International Airport Antigua has once again become home for a flock of sheep. After having accomplished the repair of the fence surrounding the facility, the clean energy provider PV Energy, a UK-based joint venture of The meeco Group, could retrieve 29 sheep to the facility last week.

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New clean energy joint venture to tackle the Zimbabwean PV market


meeco and Powerspeed Electrical spur the development of solar technology in Africa

Located in Southern Africa, Zimbabwe is one of the sunniest and best irradiated areas in the world. The weather conditions are perfectly suitable for solar energy solutions, which are getting more and more interesting for the government and private investors. In the past the national grid was not always reliable and many companies and households have to deal with load shedding and power cuts.

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Installation of 2nd MW-scale sun2live solar power plant in Antigua has commenced

PV Energy continues to implement 10 MWp sun2live solar energy project for greener future

The Caribbean twin-island state Antigua and Barbuda is moving closer to achieving its target in regard to operating the greenest electricity sector in the whole of the region. After the commissioning of the 3 MWp sun2live solar power plant at the V.C. Bird International Airport, the realisation of the next step has just commenced: Another large-scale photovoltaic installation to be constructed in the Bethesda area in the south of Antigua.

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PV Energy to equip large-scale installations in the Caribbean with powerful energy storage unit


Battery Backup Bidders meeting to ensure grid stability for Antigua and Barbuda

The government of the Caribbean twin-island state Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) pursues its target to shift away from fossil fuels towards a clean energy future. Through the implementation of large-scale sun2live solar power facilities as well as smaller sun2roof solar installations, the GOAB spurs the eco-friendly energy supply of the islands as well as the stability of the national network, which is especially essential for the consumers.

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How solar plants and animals match together


meeco to set PV plants in harmony with surroundings

Sustainable development has been established since long as a priority goal of governments, businesses but also of private investors. As a recently published report of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) emphasises, solar energy will continue to contribute to this goal: From todays 2 % share of global electricity generated by solar systems, it is supposed to increase to 13 % by 2030.

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How meeco manages the development of solar projects worldwide


Interview with the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Sebastian Bovensiepen

Sebastian Bovensiepen is working in the renewable energy sector since 1999. He started his career in the wind energy sector, as head of the legal department and member of the Management Board of a wind project development and financing company. During this time, the company managed to complete wind projects in a total capacity of 180 MW in Germany and afterwards developed with partners in Canada more than 500 MW of wind projects.

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