
Installation of 2nd MW-scale sun2live solar power plant in Antigua has commenced



August 10, 2016


12:34 pm

PV Energy continues to implement 10 MWp sun2live solar energy project for greener future

The Caribbean twin-island state Antigua and Barbuda is moving closer to achieving its target in regard to operating the greenest electricity sector in the whole of the region. After the commissioning of the 3 MWp sun2live solar power plant at the V.C. Bird International Airport, the realisation of the next step has just commenced: Another large-scale photovoltaic installation to be constructed in the Bethesda area in the south of Antigua.

A sun2live power plant will be installed in the Bethesda area.

The UK-based clean energy provider, PV Energy Limited, as a joint venture of The meeco Group, will provide the Caribbean twin-island state with a 4 MWp PV sun2live power plant and therefore will be supporting the Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) on its way towards a green energy future. The fencing of the huge territory and the construction of the internal roads mark the beginning of the big solar power installation. With a daily energy production of 16.800 kWh, the sun2live power plant will save 3.247,84 tons of CO2 emissions per year and therefore will be contributing to the goal of environmental sustainability of Antigua.


A pull-out-test is carried out before the start of construction.

This second large-scale sun2live PV installation is being realised within the scope of a 10 MWp clean energy project cluster, which is based on the close cooperation between the GOAB and PV Energy Ltd. The first step to shift from a diesel to a sustainable solar-based energy supply was accomplished through the 3 MWp sun2live solar power plant at the V.C. Bird International Airport, also engineered, installed as well as continuously operated and maintained by PV Energy Ltd. This solar power plant has already generated revenues of more than 1.2 million US dollars since its connection in December 2015 and covers almost the entire energy demand of the airport.


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