meeco Punjal project progress on-schedule, grid connection expected in October

The construction of The meeco Group’s first Indian solar photovoltaic installation is progressing well and according to plan. The 1 MW solar photovoltaic installation is situated in Khera Kalmout, a village in the Northwest of the country, more specifically in the District of Nangal, part of the Indian Punjal province. This PV project was commissioned … Read more

Rooftop installations on the rise for The meeco Group

Since the recent Feed-in Tariff chances across the European solar photovoltaic markets, betting only on ground-mounted installations has become a very improbable strategic option. Indeed, this segment of the market has known better days and that is why most players in the market have felt the obligation to redefine their strategy for the years to … Read more

The meeco Group connects rooftop installation in Greece

Last month – July 26th, SunCarrier Services Hellas S.A., a subsidiary of The meeco Group, connected its first rooftop installation in the municipality of Aspropyrgos, Attica (Greece). Situated in the suburbs of Athens, just 20 km Northwest of the capitals’ city center, the location offers one of the best solar irradiation conditions in southern Europe. … Read more