MEDIENKONTOR ranks 744th at 2013 Dresden REWE Team Challenge

meeco’s PR & Design agency participates in the 5 km city run for the first time


ZUG/DRESDEN. Yesterday, the majority-owned German subsidiary of The meeco Group, MEDIENKONTOR Dresden GmbH participated in the fifth edition of the 5 km REWE Team Challenge. With 8.264 participants on the starting line, the team of four led by Filipe Webermann (0:27:04), Communication Design Services Manager at MEDIENKONTOR, successfully made it to the finishing line in a cumulated time of 2 hours, 1 minute and 34 seconds, ranking 744 in the mixed-team category.

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MEDIENKONTOR Dresden GmbH pursues growth in 2012

The meeco Group’s PR Agency evolves from mere PR to Full-Service Agency thanks to Communication Design services


There are many ways to determine whether Public Relations efforts are successful. Be it published press releases in newspapers, a well-attended press conference, increased public awareness or even the resulting impact on the image. For a PR agency what counts most is the amount of sensibly distributed press material, the respective publications and their financial equivalent value. The current figures show that The meeco Group’s Communications Consulting Agency “MEDIENKONTOR”, not only benefits from an excellent positioning in Southern and Central Germany but it has also proven to belong to the small circle of supraregional actors and thus also establish itself as one of the top PR agencies in West Germany and Europe.

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