
MEDIENKONTOR Dresden GmbH pursues growth in 2012



January 17, 2013


9:41 am

The meeco Group’s PR Agency evolves from mere PR to Full-Service Agency thanks to Communication Design services


There are many ways to determine whether Public Relations efforts are successful. Be it published press releases in newspapers, a well-attended press conference, increased public awareness or even the resulting impact on the image. For a PR agency what counts most is the amount of sensibly distributed press material, the respective publications and their financial equivalent value. The current figures show that The meeco Group’s Communications Consulting Agency “MEDIENKONTOR”, not only benefits from an excellent positioning in Southern and Central Germany but it has also proven to belong to the small circle of supraregional actors and thus also establish itself as one of the top PR agencies in West Germany and Europe.

The figures prove the success of the company, founded in 1996 in Dresden. Between 1st January and  31st December 2012 around 1,100 press releases (950 in 2011) had been distributed, roughly 160 press conferences (nearly one every other day) and other media events organised.  About the same number of invitations to events and their respective reminders had been sent out. “Since our own relaunch and our decision to change to a limited liability company (German GmbH) in 2010 we have continuously pursued a positive development. While we used to have just a handful of employees taking care of 20 to 30 clients per year, our staff now includes eleven full-time employees and seven freelance colleagues who all contribute to successfully shaping the public awareness of our over 80 clients“ says Managing Director, Stephan Trutschler about the present achievements.

Another milestone, which has marked the way to the top of the national agencies was the addition of the communication design department to the PR Agency at the end of 2011. Formerly focussed solely on the `public relations’ service niche, MEDIENKONTOR Dresden GmbH expanded its service portfolio due to the increasing demand of existing clients. Since then the company combines content and text development with an appropriate design work to give its clients a strong and reliable visual presence. MEDIENKONTOR creates and perfects marketing and communication collaterals, which contribute to producing a professional corporate design and identity, and that for a diverse client base today. In return, clients greatly appreciate the additional services of the PR and Design Agency and it has translated into a steadily growing demand and interest. This has been made possible thanks to Filipe Webermann, the Portuguese Communication Design Manager, who has been developing these activities and directing artwork at MEDIENKONTOR. The work covers from complete corporate design to individual brochure, screen or newsletter design for its client base in Germany, Spain, Italy and all the way to Mauritius, Paraguay, South Africa, the USA and even India and Pakistan.

„We have tremendously developed our competencies in the past few years. Thanks to our growing customer base and the respective sales we were able to hire new employees. At the same time, our communication design department helps us fulfil a great deal more of our clients’ wishes, which will help us keeping an upward trend in the new year,“ says Trutschler, who looks confidently at 2013.


Fore more information about MEDIENKONTOR, please visit their website: