Category: Projects
October 20, 2015
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1:20 pm
PV Energy continues training sessions to enhance local engineering capacity Willing to take a shift towards more sustainable patterns of energy consumption, the Government
October 7, 2015
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8:12 am
PV Energy transmits its know-how to strengthen expertise of local partners The development of a sustainable and clean energy supply on the Caribbean Islands
August 4, 2015
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10:55 am
First 3 MWp to be installed at the new V.C. Bird International Airport The Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) and PV Energy Limited
July 8, 2015
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8:21 am
oursun Solar Power Ltd. completed already 208 kWp of sun2roof solar plant As a leader in clean energy solutions The meeco Group holds an
June 22, 2015
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3:43 pm
For years now, The meeco Group is holding an important position in the Pakistani market of clean and renewable solar energies. meeco entered the
June 16, 2015
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9:09 am
Completion of the second stage of the sun2roof project expected for March The meeco Group together with its joint venture, oursun Solar Power Ltd.,
June 3, 2015
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1:41 pm
70 kWp completed at Modern Cold Storage factory in Okara City Okara City, Pakistan. The first phase of a sun2roof photovoltaic project that consisted
May 18, 2015
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9:32 am
Two additional sun2live rooftops installations coming for Supreme Farms facility Lahore, Pakistan. Supreme Farms, a Pakistani food products company, called on oursun Solar Power
May 4, 2015
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10:58 am
The meeco Group to complete an extension of 150 kWp in Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan. The meeco Group with its Pakistani joint venture, oursun Solar
April 21, 2015
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9:00 am
sun2live rooftop solution installed on the office of SPML infra Ltd. Gurgaon, India. The meeco Group, jointly with its Indian subsidiary, meeco India (Pvt)