Horse jumping
From success to success: The meeco Group equestrians win in several show jumping competitions in Spain and Portugal
On the weekend of May 21st, 2010, Jacobo Bobi Maldonado won a big class with a jump off in an international show jumping championship in Ponte de Lima, Portugal. With his 14 year old horse SunCarrier Rocky he twice had clear rounds and was faster then all other riders who had qualified for the jump … Read more
‘SunCarrier Life Style’ wins bronze medal in Spanish Andalusian Championship
With Aurelio GutiĂ©rrez latest success, the SunCarrier show jumping team is on a very good and promising way. Aurelio won the bronze medal in the Spanish Andalusian Championship riding ‘SunCarrier Lyfe Style’. The show was help in Jerez de la Frontera at the Chapin Riding Club from June 19th-21st. The second rider of the SunCarrier … Read more