Category: Projects
May 31, 2016
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1:05 pm
PV Energy installs sun2com systems for Caribbean mobile phone network provider Steady developments of new technologies as well as an increasing need of staying
May 3, 2016
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12:40 pm
Hybrid energy generating and storing system supports Irish client in shaving off electricity costs The Swiss-based clean energy provider The meeco Group is spreading
March 30, 2016
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1:27 pm
meeco to provide clean energy to the Caribbean, Africa, Sri Lanka and other markets Internationality, technical know how and business expertise have recently gathered
February 26, 2016
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6:41 pm
Government of twin island state has officially inaugurated 3 MWp solar power plant at V.C. Bird International Airport Antigua Antigua and Barbuda’s electricity sector
February 15, 2016
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2:02 pm
Study Delphi Energy Future 2040 proves significance of renewables Worldwide energy systems are undergoing a fundamental transformation. A steady economic and demographic growth causes
January 12, 2016
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12:47 pm
 Solar energy provider meeco intends to spread its green power solutions The year 2015 has been characterized by the world’s commitment to clean
November 30, 2015
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4:26 pm
PV Energy finalized clean energy installation at V.C. Bird International Airport The Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB), together with the UK-based clean energy
November 19, 2015
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2:55 pm
More than half of primary school students in the developing world – nearly 300 million children – go to schools without access to electricity,
November 12, 2015
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2:47 pm
meeco supports education with solar energy storage solutions For years, the Shiv Public School in Gurgaon has been severely affected by the electricity
November 9, 2015
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10:07 am
PV Energy Ltd. looks back on one-week training program organised for Caribbean partners The 3 MWp installation on the southwest shoulder of the V.C.