
The meeco Group delivering renewable energy turnkey solutions



January 6, 2015


3:22 pm

ThemeecoGroup-clean-energy-turnkey-solutions Overview of the oursun turnkey solutions range

The Swiss-based meeco Group counts more than twelve years experience in the solar renewable energy sector and has a track record of several hundred MW’s of developed and executed solar PV projects. Having established a strong and reliable network worldwide, meeco established the “oursun” global trademark to have a worldwide and internationally represented trademark under which strategic partnerships with strong local partners located across the globe are grouped. The meeco Group combines top-tier technologies and excellent implementation services whilst always fostering high innovation in both products and processes. To address the wide range of requirements and needs of vastly different customer groups such as individuals, businesses, communities and utilities, The meeco Group develops and designs customized solutions suitable for particular areas, from on-grid to off-grid. Indeed, The meeco Group identifies for its customers the best energy solution to tackle the most challenging and remote environments, making power generation and energy storage possible anywhere. Either you are operating telecom repeater stations, you are a residential user, an institution or a company, please see the overview below, the turnkey solution that suits your needs best can be found there.


Provide resource efficiency and energy storage with top-tier products

our solutions for both grid-connected and off-grid

sun2live – Energy generation, management and storage system

ThemeecoGroup-sun2live-solar-energy-storage-system A small-to medium scaleable solar power generation and storage solution integrated with the grid with fully reliable high-end components designed for hotels, households, businesses and communities. 




sun2roof – Fixed grid connected roof-mounted system

ThemeecoGroup-sun2roof-rooftop-grid-connected-solution From small / residential to industrial-scale integrated solution reducing dependency on local grid and providing affordable and reliable energy available as turnkey solution and also in the framework of Power Purchase Agreements mounted preferably on residential or commercial roofs tops. 



sun2safe – Intelligent central energy management and optimization system

ThemeecoGroup-sun2safe-energy-management-optimization-system Fully integrated power conversion and energy management tool being used with any power production solution such as grid, photovoltaic, battery and generator input. 





Provide clean energy to everyone

our solutions for off-grid areas

sun2water – Off-grid water treatment system

ThemeecoGroup-sun2water-water-treatment-solution Custom tailored all in one box solution to purify and desalinate water in remote areas thanks to solar power generation. 




sun2flow – Water pumping system

ThemeecoGroup-sun2flow-water-pumping-solution High-end solar driven but modular water pumping and irrigation solution. Available in different sizes, sun2flow ensures water supply even in very remote areas and decreases dependency on fuel costs in off-grid areas. 




Provide clean energy everywhere

our solutions for mobile and portable energy

sun2go – Portable solar energy system

ThemeecoGroup-sun2go-portable-energy-power-solution PV-based portable power supply and storage solution comprising a foldable PV module and wheeled trolley containing the energy management and storage, suiting emergency, commercial but as well recreational power generation needs. 


sun2go xl – Portable solar + storage system

ThemeecoGroup-sun2goXL-portable-energy-power-solution Solution on wheels to provide energy for small residential units, telecom repeater stations, agricultural needs, lighting applications, rural communities or any other type of situation requiring off-grid power supply. 


sun2light mini – Portable solar LED lighting

  ThemeecoGroup-sun2light-mini-solar-LED-street-lighting Zero emissions portable solar lighting and storage system equipped with the latest ultra efficient solar LED lamps. 





Provide customized clean energy

our solutions for specific requirement

sun2com – Solar telecommunication system

ThemeecoGroup-sun2com-Telecom-Off-grid-solar-solution Custom designed off- and on-grid solutions topower remote and inner-city telecommunication sites. 





sun2light – Solar Led street Lighting

ThemeecoGroup-sun2light-solar-LED-street-lighting Outdoor as well as indoor lighting combined with LED lights and PV modules. 





sun2grow – Photovoltaic energy for greenhouses

ThemeecoGroup-sun2grow-greenhouse-energy-production-cultivation-solution PV modules and installation solutions, specially designed for greenhouses, allowing highenergy production and optimal cultivation conditions.





The meeco Group’s corporate vision by always focussing on environmental sustainability, keeps the meeco team everyday craving for discovering innovative clean energy solutions, matching different needs and requirements. If you want to know more about these solutions, the meeco team will be glad to inform you. Contact us here.

Related articles:
– The meeco Group is expanding around the globe
– Our achievements towards environmental sustainability in 2014