
Strategic partnership with LUMS towards photovoltaic performance optimization



July 14, 2014


1:22 pm


Caption: Syed Saad Zafar (left) and Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi (right)

300 kWp PPA project with joint monitoring between LUMS and meeco

Lahore, Pakistan. After the successful sun2live installation set up on the rooftop of Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) in 2013, The meeco Group, through its Group company oursun Solar Power Limited, and LUMS pursue their cooperation by concluding another Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) amounting to 300 kWp.

meeco solar rooftop installation in Lahore University 2013 meeco-Pakistan-LUMS-6


This new PV installation is expected to produce a minimum of 502.200 kWh per year, which shall thus save 43.18 tons of carbon dioxide annually. oursun Solar Power Limited will be in charge of designing, developing and operating the PPA project while LUMS will, apart from buying the produced solar energy, closely monitor the efficiency of the project through a software platform bought by oursun Solar Power Limited. The goal of this joint monitoring project is to analyse and enhance performance of PV installations.

quote “We are proud to have the worldwide renowned LUMS as our latest strategic partner in Research & Development. We will work together hands in hands towards further improvements of monitoring and reporting mechanisms. We are hoping to generate valuable data with our software to produce forecasts, analyses and statistics that would be very useful for both companies as well as third parties such as investors.”

Syed Saad Zafar, CEO of oursun Solar Power Limited


In the near future, LUMS and oursun Solar Power Limited will also be working together on developing technologies such as improved inverters for their photovoltaic panels. Inverters are critical components for PV systems, therefore the cooperation between meeco’s engineers and LUMS’s top students and scholars is highly interesting and valuable. meeco solar rooftop installation in Lahore University 2013