
Small but Green: reliable and affordable residential sun2roof system in Orihuela, Spain



June 22, 2022


10:58 am
meeco residential sun2roof system in Orihuela, Spain

Sustainability and environmental protection are meeco commitments towards a clean energy future. Any renewable energy project, even the smallest, is important deserving to be realized if it can help reducing carbon emissions.

With this in mind, a significant sun2roof installation is the self-consumption system for a private household finalized in December 2021 and located in Orihuela in the Alicante area.

This small tailor-made PV solution of 1,52kWp, consists of only 4 top tier solar modules allocated on the roof of the property but it produces more than 2,31 MWh per year saving 1 tons of polluting CO2 emissions. 

“Forecasted production has been already exceeded, largely covering my demand” states the homeowner “Not only I shave off my electricity costs but I can also contribute to a sustainable future. I’m very happy and satisfied of having chosen a sun2roof solution”.

Now it’s your turn to save money on your electricity bill too. Switch to self-consumption… contact us 🙂