
Reduced energy costs dispense with fossil fuels in Africa



August 15, 2019


12:33 pm

Renewables are a highly competitive alternative

Over the last years, electricity prices have significantly increased. Meanwhile, the costs for renewable energy systems have stabilized at a remarkably low level. At the end of June 2019, various American media releases stated that the U.S. receive more electricity from renewable energies than coal – a big step for an industrial nation. But why seems such a development impossible for a continent like Africa? Although the renewable energy use is increasing year by year, fossil energy still dominates the electricity sector.

Crude oil, natural gas and coal are the fossil fuels, which play vital roles in the African energy system and economies. The energy budget of the continent consists of over 80% fossil fuel usage. Between 2014 and 2016 only 18% of public finance went to renewable energies, over 60% to fossil fuels. While several years ago, there were a few plausible reasons for using fossil fuels in affluent African countries, arguments like the low costs have become void in the meantime.

Today, PV plants are affordable and deliver energy at half the cost of coal. Especially in the African industrial and economic sector, the ongoing usage of fossil fuels is incomprehensible, taking into consideration that there is a more reliable, sustainable and cost-effective alternative.


The meeco Group gained a lot of experience in providing and realising solar installations for public, residential and industrial buildings over the years. We offer tailor-made solutions for nearly all conditions and requirements. Our portfolio ranges from energy management solutions, roof-mounted installations up to water treatment and pumping solutions and our newest invention: sun2rope – an innovative and flexible solar panels mounting system.

Over the years, meeco realised several projects e.g. in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Angola. Due to our experience, portfolio and joint ventures, we are able to offer a green energy solution for every kind of building. In Zimbabwe, we installed a sun2flow solar system for water pumping for a company to shave off arising costs from the diesel generators.

It is our target to reduce the huge amount of CO2 emissions, residential homes, small businesses, companies and industrial buildings produce. A continent like Africa with a big economic potential does not have the need to fall back on expensive fossil fuels in view of the high level of solar radiation in each country. This has to be painted in people´s minds. Because of these circumstances, we are willing to further promote the way of clean and sustainable energy.


Saudia Arabia and UAE increase their solar investments. Learn more here.

Another sustainable project powered by The meeco Group. Read more here.