
meeco carried out translucent sun2roof installation in fashion store in Valencia



March 21, 2014


3:54 pm


Valencia, Spain. The store is located in the commercial and historic heart of the city of Valencia. The inauguration was marked with a grand opening ceremony on March 6th.

The renovation of the building, which lasted 4,5 months has been approached as an exercise in optimizing energy use, designed for energy and sustainability efficiency. The main materials used have a high content of recycled goods, measure up to the regionality criteria and reduce significantly the CO2 emissions. The building was remodelled in respect of green energy standards such as energy saving measures and the professional implementation of renewable energy technologies. The fashion shop has chosen to integrate a translucent photovoltaic sun2roof skylight to produce clean electricity (25-30% of the total energy to be consumed). At the same time a system that collects rainwater from the roof was installed. As a result, the modern building which hosts the store will be granted with the highly-valuable and worldwide-recognized “LEED Platinum” certification.

The meeco Group, through its Spanish subsidiary meeco Services S.L. was chosen by Sachs Consulting (Alicante) and the architect Felipe Choclán to supply the turnkey photovoltaic installation, which also includes tailor-made translucent photovoltaic modules. Along with The meeco Group, several companies were involved in this project such as Axial Solar (structure and installation works), SMA Tripower (inverters) and VidurSolar (modules) in order to join forces and make use of the best assets of each company. Both the structure and the modules have been specially designed, selected and taken care of in every detail for this project.

The building integrates a photovoltaic skylight, which produces 31 kWP clean energy while still enabling the natural sunlight to suffuse through the mall and thus provide the irreplaceable feeling of natural light even within the building. The PV skylight is expected to produce a minimum energy output of 47 506 kWh per year and shall thus save 11,31 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

Victoria Lazaro, Head of procurement of The meeco Group and in charge of the management of this project stresses: “We are very happy and satisfied to have achieved this emblematic and successful project, as well as to have worked hands in hands with several companies towards a valuable green project for a widely appreciated fashion store. We hope this will drain new attention to solar energy from companies but also from the public.” Mr. Jo Hanns Dieter Trutschler, Sales Director of The meeco Group, adds: “We are very proud of the installation, which perfectly combines clean energy and thus environmental friendly energy production with state of the art architecture. The photovoltaic skylight installation associates clean energy production with the appealing design concept of the store.”