
Green energy powers e-mobility: meeco launches sun2move



May 4, 2018


1:09 pm

Safari tour with sun2move in Kenya.

Solar powered electric bikes deployed for Safari tours in Kenya

The sun represents an abundant source of energy. Thanks to dropping prices and the improving efficiency of the installations, solar power guarantees a reliable and cost-effective way of producing electricity – and can even contribute to changing mobility sustainably. Through our new clean energy solution sun2move, which combines the advantages of solar energy and electric mobility, we aim to strengthen eco-friendly and healthy mobility.

The sun2move model comprises electric mountain bikes powered by the sun through charging stations, which are equipped with our solar generation and energy management solution sun2safe. The batteries of the bikes are charged with solar power in a so-called bikeport, where the produced energy is stored in batteries and is available anytime to recharge the sun2move e-bikes. As a pilot project, the sun2move e-bikes are currently used at a famous in Kenya, where guests can enjoy the African wilderness during a bike ride – powered by clean energy.

YouTube video

We are developing solar projects for Safari lodges in Kenya. Read the full story here.

In India, we will install a 7 MWp sun2fix Open Access renewable energy plant. Find out more.