
18 photovoltaik panels implemented by SETL meeco in the Aigrettes island (Mauritius)



May 27, 2014


4:39 pm

YouTube video


The Aigrettes island is now set up up with an automous and mobile photovoltaic system thanks to SETL meeco which is one of the leaders in turnkey solutions in Mauritius. This installation project with iKUbe 150 photovoltaic panels was made on this preserved island by Mauritian Wildlife Foundation in the framework of SETL meeco’s social responsibility. According to SETL meeco Chief Operating Officer Philippe Genoud, the 18 photovoltaic panels will be able to generate a maximum of 3 kW, that is to say supplies for the 18 hectares site.

“SETL meeco wanted to offer a whole photovoltaic system to the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation to make the life of its workers on the island easier. Some of the employees live on the island, therefore an adequate system was needed for their daily needs such as shower, cooking with electrical ustensils, keep in touch with family or with the office through computer and cell-phones. We chose the iKube F150 model for the Aigrettes island because it is a mobile photovoltaic generator ready to use. This model works in non-grid zones amd works even without the sun since it contains batteries. Thanks to this model, Aigrettes island is now autonomous in its electricity production” underlines Philippe Genoud.

The system installed fits perfectly in the environment since it is compact and silent. Ikube F150 is made from silicium monocristallin cells and includes batteries recharged by the solar energy generator. According to the assistant General Manager of SETL meeco, Prakash Ramiah, some of the model’s main assets are that it doesn’t reject any smoke and its system avoids all fuel costs.