
Renewable Energy in Germany: Stoba-Druck Stabilizes Printing Process with meeco’s PV System and Storage Management



September 11, 2024


3:05 pm

Power outages, a big challenge at Stoba-Druck

Since 1990, Stoba-Druck GmbH has been known for producing high-quality printed materials in digital and offset printing. However, the company, based in Lampertswalde, Germany, has faced periodic power outages. These outages cause the machines to suddenly switch to “emergency stop” mode, which can result in damage. During longer power cuts, the printing ink on the rollers dries up, requiring manual cleaning, a laborious task. This leads to additional costs, as printing processes must often restart, consuming more materials than initially planned. In 2021, the company experienced seven such incidents. Beyond technical failures, power outages disrupt operations across the board, from PCs and telephones to copiers and charging stations.

Renewable energy Germany: meeco’s sun2roof® with Ultralight panels as a solution for limited roof loads

meeco Industrial Services, the German branch of The meeco Group, has provided a solution to Stoba-Druck’s energy issues with renewable energy solutions in Germany. The company installed its sun2roof® PV system, specifically designed for roofs with limited load capacity, like the ones in Stoba-Druck’s production halls. The facility could only handle a maximum of 8 kg/sqm, so meeco used its oursun® Ultralight 330W panels, generating a total output of 204.5 kWp.

sun2safe® storage system for sustainable, uninterrupted power supply

However, installing the PV system alone would not fully solve the problem. To ensure a consistent energy supply during power outages, meeco Industrial Services combined the installation with its sun2safe® storage system. This energy storage system guarantees uninterrupted power, even during grid failures, thanks to an intelligent battery design. “The stored energy allows us to continue the printing process,” said Eugen Stamm, Managing Director of Stoba-Druck. “In the future, our machines will perform self-cleaning during outages, reducing downtime and additional costs.” This also contributes to a significant reduction in the company’s carbon footprint, as they now generate 200,000 kWh of their 400,000 kWh annual consumption themselves, saving around 100 tons of CO2 per year.

Renewable energy Germany

sun2safe®: the all-in-one renewable energy storage system in Germany

The sun2safe® storage system is now fully operational at Stoba-Druck, allowing the company to rely on its own renewable energy. “sun2safe® is an intelligent all-in-one energy management system that ensures stable and reliable power 365 days a year,” explains Hermann Fuchs, Managing Director of meeco Industrial Services GmbH. “This system operates independently from the fossil fuel grid and can manage multiple energy sources.” Fuchs also noted that sun2safe® is more efficient and cost-effective than diesel generators. The return on investment for this renewable energy project is expected within eight to nine years.

Stoba-Druck’s commitment to renewable energy in Germany sets a positive example

René Venus, the mayor of Lampertswalde, praised Stoba-Druck’s commitment to renewable energy in Germany. “We don’t have many companies in our municipality working with renewables, but we’re seeing a positive trend. Stoba-Druck is setting a great example by embracing solar power, and I see this as a positive signal for our industrial park and the community.”

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