
Green sustainability: meeco solar solutions towards a clean energy future



September 5, 2024


3:49 pm
Green sustainability

Green sustainability improves our living quality and protects our ecosystem. It is important and relevant for people, organizations of all sizes or industries. As social awareness regarding the need for green solutions increases, we can undertake several green initiatives to reduce our negative impact on the environment. Thinking about energy production from renewable resources is one of them-

Green sustainability: Energy transition is one of meeco priority

Creating efficient and sustainable solar energy projects inspires us constantly on our path towards a clean energy future. To reduce carbon dioxide emissions, we must accelerate the energy transition to renewable sources, in order to drastically lower CO2 levels and lend a helping hand to the future of our planet. We must overcome the challenges of reducing harmful emissions and fighting pollution, with the help of renewables.

Only using energy efficiently, self-producing it, we can achieve the energy breakthrough.

Green sustainability

sun2roof® PV systems a clever solution for energy independence

Increasing one’s degree of independence from the grid is possible by properly sizing the PV system and better managing energy.

This is what the owners of Autohaus Epple in Rutesheim, Germany have decided to do. Relying on the expertise of The meeco Group, a 100kWp sun2roof® system has been specially developed and implemented. The system consists of 300 oursun® Ultralight panels installed as adhesive modules on the roof of the car dealership building.

Fully operational since June 6, 2024, this sun2roof® system provides electricity to both the car dealership and the adjacent gas station.

Reliable partner always attentive to meet all expectations and requirements, The meeco Group assists and advises single individual clients in order to guarantee them the best investment in terms of bill savings and positive impact of a choice in favor of green sustainability.

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