800 SunCarrier delivered to Spain and brought into service by the end of September.
The worldwide growth of solar energy markets is strongly increasing this year. For 2008, experts ex-pect a global market size of 3.6 gigawatt. This means a plus of about 50 % compared to 2007, when 2.4 gigawatt of new solar energy where produced worldwide. Reasons for this growth are an increasing global demand for energy, and governmental development schemes introduced in more and more countries, thus becoming the most important trend in global energy supply. One of the most dynamically growing areas is southern Europe, where Spain is currently leading the market. Especially within the last weeks, right before the ending of the latest Real Decretos, a go-vernmental development program for renewable energy in Spain, a numerous amount of projects have been finished and started operations.
In September, another six newly build solar energy facilities will go into service in southern Spain, thus becoming an important contribution to environmental protection, local energy supply and regional development. Most of these solar parks are supplied with the newly developed SunCarrier 6.1, each possessing a total collector size of about 290 sqm. The trackers where planned, produced and de-livered as a turn-key solution for solar power plants by the German a+f company, a subsidiary of the Gildemeister group.
A decisive share of this exceeding development was done by the Swiss meeco AG, which took over the distribution of SunCarrier in Spain after its maturity phase only two years ago and already made SunCarrier a success story. 15 megawatt of solar energy are currently produced by these green power plants. Following meeco’s distribution manager Dieter Trutschler, another 24 megawatt will be produced by 800 newly installed SunCarrier by the end of September, which is, regarding the im-mense increase of fossil energy prizes, an important contribution to resource conserving energy pro-duction.
Accompanied by celebratory events, the following ready-for-use solar energy parks will be handed over to their investors in September 2008:
Alange (240 SunCarrier) and Alconera (216) in the region Badajoz, Calasparra (45) and Purias (98) in the region Murcia, as well as Tordesillas (90), region Valladolid and Pozohondo II (90) in the region Albacete.
Detailed information about the certain projects as well as time and place of the handover will be provided duly within calendar week 38.