Clean energy projects promote Sustainable Development Goals
A reliable or seemingly stable and reliable energy supply seems self-evident for four-fifths of the world’s population. However, there are still numerous countries, where unlimited access to energy remains a luxury for wealthy people. In volume terms, more than 1.4 billion people worldwide live without any electricity supply, states the International Energy Agency.
To stop these deplorable conditions in some parts of the world, 193 Member States of the United Nations approved the Paris Agreement in 2015. Within this agreement, 17 so-called “Sustainable Development Goals” have been set aiming to end poverty, ensure prosperity for all humans and combat climate change. Gathered under the name Agenda 2030, one of the main targets is to enhance the worldwide deployment of affordable, renewable and sustainable energy. Especially the south of Africa misses a well-developed energy infrastructure. Still, 37 African states with 620 million people lack access to reliable electricity supply. The growing economy and the associated increasing power demand cannot be satisfied with the current energy production. To meet this challenge, off-grid or weak-grid solar energy solutions provide a great chance to reliably supply those countries and their population with eco-friendly, clean power. The transformation to a green economy is an important step in this process.
Role Model for off-grid solar solution
As globally active clean energy provider meeco considers itself as a driving force in this challenging energy revolution. Already before the Sustainable Development Goals have been stipulated, we were involved or a decade in various projects in the southern states of Africa and promoted the shift from fossil energy sources to clean energy.
A closer look at the first sun2live off-grid installation in Angola.
In Cabo Ledo, Angola – 120 km south of Luanda – meeco realised its first sun2live off-grid installation. This turnkey project combines a 30 kWp solar plant and a 80 kWh lithium energy storage system. This solution allows its owner to be completely self-sufficient. Moreover, the utilisation of the polluting diesel generator was reduced by 80 percent. This project served as role model for local companies and private house owners to invest in sustainable power generation systems.
Biggest solar plant of Zimbabwe
A further pioneering project was realised in Zimbabwe in 2017. As the so far largest solar facility in this country, the installation of a 216 kWp meeco sun2live solar energy plant marked a major turning point in Zimbabwe. The ground-mounted installation provides the farm, which was 100% diesel operated before, with clean energy. Besides the related cost-reductions the solar plant is saving 280 tons of CO2 emissions per year.
This is a part of the sun2live solar energy plant in Zimbabwe.
Due to the economical and sustainable success, meeco will expand the current installation by 330 kWp to further reduce costs by gaining energy independence from diesel. The realisation of the biggest solar installation in Zimbabwe so far represents a great progress for the country.
Solar energy for safari camps
Our latest project is being realised in Kenya at present. meeco is equipping remote safari Safari Camp with a 50 kWp sun2rope plant in combination with a sun2safe energy storage and management system in order to reduce the previous 100% dependence on diesel gensets. This solution generates about 220 kWh clean energy per day and the sun2safe energy management solution offers a storage capacity of 160 kWh to ensure the sun generated energy is available as well at night. Furthermore, meeco delivered the Safari Camp with solar powered sun2move e-bikes, that are deployed as eco-friendly and quiet vehicles for tourists to discover the African wilderness.
Tourists during safari in Kenya on sun2move e-bikes.
A green energy future
The projects in Angola, Zimbabwe and Kenya represent meeco’s engagement and influence in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030. They also show the cost-effective and sustainable utilisation of alternative and clean energy sources. We are now looking forward to agreeing on upcoming projects in southern Africa and striving to a green energy future.
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Have a look at our latest solar project in Guyana.
We also realised a clean energy project in Antigua, Latin America. Find out more. |