
meeco deploys solar powered electric bikes for Safari camps in Kenya



May 9, 2018


2:19 pm

solar powered electric bike during safari

New clean energy solution sun2move developed to foster green mobility

We are currently developing intelligent trybrid solar mini-grids for several Safari Camps in Kenya. As African remote hotels and lodges often depend on cost-extensive diesel generators, solar installations in combination with energy storage systems represent an economically viable and eco-friendly solution to establish a reliable and sustainable power supply. For a famous Safari Camp in Kenya, we have now deployed an additional clean energy solution: the recently launched sun2move.

sun2move electric bike safari visitors in Kenya with their tour guide.
sun2move electric bike safari visitors in Kenya with their tour guide.

The sun2move model comprises electric mountain bikes powered by green energy. The sun2charge charging stations of the e-bikes are equipped with meeco’s solar generation and energy management solution sun2safe. The batteries of the bikes are charged with solar power in a so-called bikeport, where the produced energy is stored in batteries and is available anytime to recharge the sun2move e-bikes. This clean energy solution thereby combines the advantages of solar energy and electric mobility, representing a contribution towards an eco-friendly and healthy mobility.

As a pilot project, six sun2move e-bikes have been deployed for a famous Safari Camp in Kenya. Guests of the Safari camp can as of now explore the African wilderness in the Olderkesi Conservancy during an e-bike ride powered by clean energy. “We are glad about the rewarding cooperation with this Safari Camp and the possibility to establish green Safari tours with our sun2move electric bikes”, states Sebastian Bovensiepen, COO of The meeco Group. During their rides, guests of the camp are always accompanied by two local guides, who are familiar with the nature of the Conservancy.

Tourists during safari in Kenya on electric bikes.
Tourists during safari in Kenya on electric bikes.

We are developing solar projects for Safari lodges in Kenya. Read the full story here.

In Guyana another sun2live project will soon be completed. Find out more.